Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the art of healing that originated in China over 3,000 years ago. TCM incorporates many different modalities and techniques that aim to balance Qi. Qi has been described as “vital energy.” It is the energy force that maintains life. When Qi is unbalanced, there is disease. Acupuncturists use a variety of techniques to guide Qi using thin sterile needles. Acupuncture assists to restore the body to its optimal functional capacity.
Acupuncture Treatment: $80.
Approximately 1 hour
Initial Intake: $30.
Allow up to 2 hours for your first visit
Auricular Acupuncture ( Ears ) $25.
30 minutes
Great for Stress, Anxiety, PTSD, Detoxification, and Whole Body Health
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Look good…feel good…and